For farm stay guests and wwoofers/helpers. We offer several types of accommodation: Single and double cabins, dormitory shared rooms, whole house, work options in exchange for a bed.
large shared room accommodation
(4 beds)
Single room accommodation
Ridge house (4 rooms)
Two bed shared cabin accommodation
House Bus (3 beds)
Payment methods:
$25-$50 per night (can be seasonal)
Discount rates for long term stays-1 or more weeks
Exchange hours of work for use of accommodation space
5-6 hours per day (unskilled work)
4 hours per day (skilled work)
useful things towards farm development
We have two main household buildings both with kitchen, toilet, shower and lounge spaces for our visitors. The family primarily uses one household building while the other is used by guests/visitors/wwoofers. This building has a composting toilet, shower, lounge/kitchen space with a wood fire, TV, DVD, stereo.
Each bedroom space has power, beds and linen provided. There is a half-round barn building in which is housed a library, office desk and sitting area.
A workshop, from which Adrian does his building, carving, painting and drumming, is available to those who know how to use workshop tools competently.
Please note:
Some of the building spaces on the farm are not completely finished in that we are still working on the building of extra kitchen, bathroom, lounge spaces.
Other buildings are sleeping accommodation spaces as listed above.